Getting Started

Installing WebIO

WebIO is installed just like any other Julia package.

using Pkg
using WebIO

Make sure to watch for any errors during the build process; WebIO does its best to install everything to the right location, but sometimes it can't find all the right things (especially for Jupyter). If you get any warnings, please file an issue on GitHub.

Displaying to a Frontend

First, load the appropriate frontend (e.g. Jupyter or Blink or Atom/Juno). For simplicity, Jupyter is recommended while you're getting started.


In a Julia Jupyter notebook (either via the classic notebook interface or in JupyterLab), any WebIO content is automagically rendered into the browser. For example, try displaying a paragraph.

In[*]: node(:p, "Hello, Jupyter")

Blink is a Julia interface for Electron (a way to write desktop apps using web technologies). WebIO content can be displayed in a Blink window using the body! function.

using Blink
w = Window()
body!(w, dom"p"("Hello, Blink!"))


Return a WebIO Node from a web app to render it. Use webio_serve to serve the application.

function myapp(req)
    return node(:p, "Hello, Mux!")

webio_serve(page("/", req -> myapp(req)))

Generic HTTP

# Create your own display function
function Base.display(d::MyWebDisplay, m::WebIO.WEBIO_APPLICATION_MIME, app)
    println(, "outer html")
    # Calling show will make sure a server is running and serves dependencies
    # from AssetRegistry and a websocket connection gets established.
    show(, m, app) #<- prints the html + scripts webio needs to work into io
    println(, "close outer html")


WebIO nodes should be automatically rendered when displayed.

Composing Content

Suppose we want to display the following HTML.

<ul class="my-list">
    <li>get milk</li>
    <li>make a pie</li>

We can nest nodes inside of each other to accomplish this.

    Node(:li, "get milk"),
    Node(:li, "make a pie"),
    attributes=Dict(:class => "my-list"),

Some DOM properties (most importantly, style and events) can be specified as Julia dictionaries.

    "Hello, world!",
        :backgroundColor => "black",
        :color => "white",
        :padding => "12px",

This is equivalent to this snippet using attributes.

    "Hello, World",
        :style => "background-color: black; color: white; padding: 12px",

Checkout out the Node reference for more information.


The attributes keyword argument sets the attributes of the HTML element (via the setAttribute DOM API function). Any other keyword argument is set as the property of the DOM node itself.

N.B. Attribute values should be strings (or nothing, in which case the attribute is deleted). Attribute keys are specified with the name as would be written in HTML (e.g. class for the CSS class name) whereas properties are specified as the name in the browser DOM API (e.g. className). This is because one writes

<p class="important">Don't stuff beans up your nose!</p>

whereas the DOM API would be

myParagraph = document.createElement("p");
myParagraph.className = "important";
// Or, equivalently...
myParagraph.setAttribute("class", "important");

For example, the following are equivalent.

node(:ul, className="my-list")
node(:ul, attributes=Dict(:class => "my-list"))

When in doubt, use attributes for everything except the style and events properties.

The dom"" macro

The dom"" string macro can be used to simplify the creation of DOM nodes and is based on the querySelector DOM API. The syntax for the macro is

dom"<tag>.<class>#<id>[<attr>=<value>,...]"(children...; props...)

which is equivalent to

    attributes=Dict(:attr1 => val1, :attr2 => val2...);

For example

    dom"p"("Uh oh! A bad thing happened."),

yields this HTML

<div id="my-modal" class="warning big-text" aria-modal="true">
    <p>Uh oh! A bad thing happened.</p>

Everything except the tag is optional, so all of these are valid.

  • dom"div"
  • dom"div.class1"
  • dom"div.class1.class2"
  • dom"div#my-id"
  • dom"input.check[type=checkbox]"


Executing JavaScript

Event handlers can be set up by passing a dict as the events keyword argument to Node, (and the dom"" macro). For example,

        "click" => js"function() { alert('Hello, World!'); }",

This will create a button which shows an alert box with the message "Hello, World!" when clicked.

There are 2 ways to write JavaScript in conjunction with WebIO. First, you can use the js"" string macro to just write any JavaScript as a string. For example

alert("Hello, World!")

This will return an object of type JSString which can be used anywhere WebIO expects JavaScript expressions. The js"" macro also appropriately escapes any interpolated variables.

julia> myvar = [1, "foo", Dict("foo" => "bar")];
julia> println(js"console.log($myvar);")

The second way is to use the @js macro from JSExpr.jl. The @js macro can translate arbitrary Julia expressions to the equivalent JavaScript.

using JSExpr
@js alert("Hello, World!")

We can rewrite our greeting example above using the @js macro too.

        "click" => (@js () -> alert("Hello, World!")),

The variables and functions you reference in a @js expression must be defined in the JavaScript context where the expression will be executed (for example, in an event callback) and do not need to be defined in Julia.

Values from Julia can be interpolated into both the js"" and @js macros, but this interpolation happens when the JSString is created (and not when the JavaScript code is executed).

For example, consider the following snippet.

myname = "Walter"
display(dom"button"("Greet Me!", events=Dict("click" => @js alert($myname))))

When you click the button, it will alert "Walter" as expected. But if you later change the value of myname,

myname = "Sylvia"

clicking the button will still result in "Walter" since the value of myname was interpolated when the expression was parsed.

See Communicating between Julia and JavaScript to learn how to use the latest value of a variable in either Julia or JavaScript.

Communicating between Julia and JavaScript

A [Scope])(@ref) acts as a medium for bidirectional communication between Julia and JavaScript. The primary method of communication is Observables which are essentially wrappers around values that may change over time. A [Scope] may contain several observables whose values can be updated and read from either JavaScript or Julia.

We associate an observable with a scope as follows.

w = Scope()
obs = Observable(w, "rand-value", 0.0)

The "rand-value" arguments is the name of the observable and must be unique for a given scope.

You can get the value of obs in Julia with the syntax obs[]. You can set the value using the syntax obs[] = val. To listen to changes to the value you can use the on function to set up a listener.

on((value) -> println("Value is now $(value)!"), obs)

or, using do-block syntax,

on(obs) do value
    println("Value is now $(value)!")

Sending values from JavaScript to Julia

Sending values from JavaScript to Julia is easiest via the @js macro. Consider this simple example.

scope = Scope()
obs = Observable(scope, "rand-value", 0.0)

on(obs) do x
    println("JavaScript sent $(x)!")

        "Generate Random Number",
        events=Dict("click" => @js () -> $obs[] = Math.random()),

Notice that the last expression actually calls the scope scope with the contents that should be displayed. This causes the contents to be wrapped in the scope's context. All uses of observables associated with scope (e.g. obs) should be enclosed in the scope scope.

Note that we use the syntax $obs[] = ... inside the @js macro to update the value of the obs Observable.

Using the js"" macro, we can write



_webIOScope.setObservableValue("obs", ...);

wherever we want to get and set the values of observables (respectively).


The values of WebIO and _webIOScope are defined when executing any JavaScript code in WebIO. The value of _webIOScope is the nearest ancestor scope (or undefined if there is none).

Sending values from Julia to JavaScript

The onjs function allows us to hook up a JavaScript listener on an Observable just like we can use on for a Julia listener. For example, we can log to the console whenever the value of our observable changes.

s = Scope()
obs = Observable(s, "logme", "")
    s, "logme",
    function(newValue) {

Rendering Observables

For an even easier way to send values from Julia to JavaScript, we can simply rely on the fact that WebIO knows how to render Observables directly to HTML. In this case WebIO will automatically construct a Scope and insert the relevant JavaScript to update the rendered content whenever the Observable changes value.

using Dates
timestr() = Dates.format(now(), "HH:MM:SS")

time = Observable(timestr())
@async while true
    time[] = timestr()


Loading JavaScript dependencies

You can load dependencies by creating a Scope object and providing the imports argument. The onmount function will add a mount callback to a scope that will be called with all of the dependencies provided via the imports argument.

using WebIO, JSExpr

w = Scope(imports=["//"])
onmount(w, @js function (p5)
    function sketch(s)
        s.setup = () -> s.createCanvas(640, 480)

        s.draw = function ()
          if s.mouseIsPressed
          s.ellipse(s.mouseX, s.mouseY, 80, 80)
    @new p5(sketch, this.dom.querySelector(".container"))


Clock (Julia to JS Communication)

s = Scope()
time = Observable(s, "time", "")
timestr() = Dates.format(now(), "HH:MM:SS")

# Update the time every second
@async while true
    time[] = timestr()

# Setup a JavaScript listener
    s, "time",
    function(time) {
        this.dom.querySelector(".current-time").textContent = time;

In the onjs callback, this is set to the Scope object (though the value of _webIOScope is also set, as noted above).

The value of this.dom refers to the DOM node of the scope. Importantly, this is not the content of the scope, but rather, the DOM node that encloses the scope (so we need to use querySelector to find the actual DOM node that we want to update). For example, consider a scope whose content is simply a <span />; the value of this.dom will be a <div /> whose only child is that <span />.