

Build Status

This is WIP a fork of GtkInteract, but aims to be different in the following ways:

Some of the following has been retained from GtkInteract, but may or may not (yet) be relevant.

Resource management: Signal protection and cleanup

A MainWindow has a field, refs, to which you can push! any Reactive signals that you want to preserve for the lifetime of the window. Upon destroying the window, these signals are closed. Timers like fps are particularly important to “register” with refs: otherwise, you may keep using CPU resources even after you close the window, until the next garbage-collection event.


using GtkReactive, Reactive
frametimer = fps(10)
w = mainwindow()
push!(w.refs, frametimer)

Now if you display w, and then close the window, frametimer will no longer be active.

Widget summary

In addition to the widgets in Interact, the following new widgets are provided: